Insane Italian Hiking Routes: Via Ferrata Bocchette

These crazy hiking routes are sprinkled throughout the European Alps. They are known as Via Ferratas and consist of death-defying trails secured with fixed cables and ladders to give you a feeling of a bit of safety. They get you into the most breathtaking places imaginable.

You just can’t have a fear of heights!

This route is called the Via Ferrata Bocchette and is located in the Brenta Group in the Dolomite Range of the Italian Alps. The starting point is the town of Madonna di Campiglio.

This was the culmination of a week of via ferrata hiking with my friends Mark, Swee, Judy, and Munir and my uncle Gerhard.

Gerhard and I had done many via ferrata trips in the Alps over the years and I finally got some of my friends from Canada to join us. It turned out to be a wonderful week!

Check my blog or subscribe to my YouTube channel to see some more of this via ferrata and some of the others we did.

There’s a lot more coming…